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來源:http://www.tingce.top/1519.html 發(fā)布于:2020-03-17 04:07   瀏覽:4,760

KQJZ type air shock absorber installation description electronic version

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website introduces for you: KQJZ type air damper installation electronic version information, Songjiang group provides more convenience for our customers, technology department offers the following detailed installation instructions, please users according to our setup instructions to install and use, it would be better to let the air damper the and use effect.

BBefore installing, please confirm that the size of the shock absorber is correct.
Installation guide
所需工具:公制口徑19mm (M12)、24mm (M16)、30mm (M20) 開口扳手、打氣筒、壓力表、水平尺、爪式千斤.。
The tools required are 19mm (M12), 24mm (M16), 30mm (M20) open wrench, air punch, pressure gauge, horizontal ruler, and claw jack.
In the absence of any load, do not inflate in the air shock absorber.
With the claw jack, the height of the device is slowly raised to the same height of the 100~110mm. (Fig 2)
Fixed the air shock absorber with the fixed hole of the equipment. (Fig 4)
When inflated: air compressor or inflator can be directly inflated to normal operation height. When the air pressure inside the shock absorber is too high, it can hold the valve to the normal height. (Fig 5)

The valve mouth is the same as the conventional car tire.
The maximum use pressure is 4.5kg/cm2=0.44Mpa, but it should be adjusted to the normal height of air shock absorber when inflating. (height is 95mm~105mm)
The level of the equipment is checked with a horizontal ruler, and the level is adjusted by inflating and deflating. (Fig 6)
Use the temperature range: -10 C ~60 C, can be installed in the outdoor.
When installing and using, please note that the valve mouth and the rubber of the air shock absorber can not be damaged by the outside.
Maintenance check items: whether the air shock absorber height is normal every month and whether it needs to be inflated to maintain the normal height.
Note: before the mobile device, please press the valve mouth first to discharge air shock pressure, so as to avoid damage to the air shock absorber.

圖1) 空氣減震器在無荷重狀態(tài)下,請(qǐng)勿對(duì)空氣減震器進(jìn)行充氣。
Fig 1) Air shock absorbers do not inflate the air shock absorbers in a state of no load.
圖2) 用爪式千斤頂將設(shè)備抬起,在設(shè)備底部放置臨時(shí)墊木臺(tái)。
Fig 2) The equipment is lifted with the claws jacks and the temporary wooden table is placed at the bottom of the equipment.
圖3) 將空氣減震器放置安裝位置。
Fig 3) Place the air shock absorber in the installation position.
圖4) 將空氣減震器與設(shè)備固定起來。
Fig 4)Fix the air shock absorber and the equipment.
圖5) 使用充氣工具對(duì)空氣減震器進(jìn)行充氣,最大壓力不得超過:0.44Mpa(4.4kg),正常高度為95mm~105mm。
Fig 5)Air shock absorbers are inflated with an inflatable tool. The maximum pressure should not exceed: 0.44Mpa (4.4kg), and the normal height is 95mm~105mm.
圖6) 利用水平尺將設(shè)備調(diào)整水平。
Fig 6) Use the level ruler to adjust the level of the equipment.



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