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來(lái)源:http://www.tingce.top/1836.html 發(fā)布于:2018-11-14 03:25   瀏覽:4,206

The installation of corrugated compensator is simple and practical.

The official website of Shanghai Songjiang Shock Absorber Group Co., Ltd. will introduce to you: [Chinese and English] The installation instructions of corrugated compensators are "simple and practical" information. The installation instructions of Chinese and English versions of corrugated compensators are shared by Songjiang Group for netizens, which will facilitate you to further understand and learn the knowledge of corrugated compensators. The following is a detailed introduction.


Key factors for installation

Following advises are however to be taken into consideration in order to obtain a good performance and prolonged service life of the expansion joint.

Fixed points

An expansion joint acts as a piston by the forces arising from the internal pressure.To prevent the pipes from damage they are to be properly anchored in order to take care of these reaction forces (Fr).

The Reaction force of an expansion joint is calculated by the following formula:
Fr = Q x P x 0.01
Fr = reaction force in kN.
Q = effective cross sectional area in cm2.
P = actual pressure in bar or kp/cm2


Before installation, the temperature, pressure and displacement of the product should be strictly used.

The expansion joints shall be easily accessible and open to regular supervision. Lt is recommended to let the expansion joints work in compression rather than stretching. Torsion is not permitted.

Maintenance instructions: observe whether the expansion jointt is over stretched and keep the expansion joint in normal length every month.

In order to ensure the expansion capacity, the bolts should be kept as small as possible (not exceeding 2 mm or 3mm) to avoid damaging the metal hose body.


When welding work is to take place the bellow has to be protected from welding heat and sparks.

Please install an effective chlorine removal device at the inlet of the pipeline (chloride content is not more than 25mg/l) to avoid excessive chlorine content and pinhole corrosion.

Shanghai Songjiang Shock Absorber Group Co.,Ltd.



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