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簡(jiǎn)介:【鍍鋅】DN300鍍鋅法蘭橡膠接頭“送8.8級限位裝置” 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:【鍍鋅】DN300鍍鋅法蘭橡膠接頭“送8.8級限位裝置”信息,淞江集團為眾多高端客戶(hù)配套DN300鍍鋅法蘭橡膠接頭,......


The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. is introduced to you: "galvanized DN300" single ball galvanized flange rubber joint "send 8.8 level limit device" information, Songjiang group for?many high-end customers to provide?DN300 single ball galvanized flange rubber joint, and also free of charge 8.8 level limit device, play the role of reinforcement and prevention. .





The galvanized flanged rubber joint is cold galvanized by forging flanges, then combined with rubber pipes, and adding a limiting device to prevent the pull off. The DN300 single ball galvanized flange rubber joint plays the role of shock absorption and noise reduction in the process of use, and protects the long of the pump equipment. It is the noise reduction choice of many pump houses.
The limit device shows that the limited rubber joint products produced by Songjiang group are equipped with high strength limit equipment. All the screws are 8.8 stages of high strength, not 4.8 comparable. The ear plate is also widened, enlarged and thickened without contrast. The effect of noise reduction.

The DN300 single ball galvanized flange rubber joint produced by Songjiang group is all qualified through the Shanghai quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, and through the performance testing of the national type test center and the performance testing of the Shanghai rubber product research center, Songjiang group successfully passed the production license of pressure pipeline in rubber joint industry in 2016. Please click the link above.





DN300單球鍍鋅法蘭橡膠接頭使用案例:佛山聯(lián)邦創(chuàng )新工業(yè)園
Use case

原創(chuàng )文章如轉載,請注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1618.html    瀏覽:5,596

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