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簡介:【煙道補償器】鋼廠煙道通風補償器 Flue ventilation compensator for steel works 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網站為您介紹:【煙道補償器】鋼廠煙道通風補償器信息,淞江集團可以為客戶非標定做各種風......

Flue ventilation compensator for steel works

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website for your introduction: [] steel flue ventilation flue compensator compensator information, Songjiang group can provide customers with customized various non-standard air flue compensator can compensate the displacement of products, good flue, can also reduce the vibration of flue.

1 、風道橡膠補償器具有良好的反復位移 ( 變化 ) 還原性,能在較小尺寸范圍內提供較大的多維方向補償,能較好的消除各種管道安裝連接時產生的多向誤差。
2 、風道橡膠補償器具有優(yōu)越的吸聲隔震功能,能有效的減少和消除鍋爐、風機等系統(tǒng)品聲和震動的傳遞。
3 、橡膠和纖維織無力的傳遞損耗,減少了設計程序,無需增加其它輔助設施。
4 、橡膠和纖維織及隔熱材料具有較高耐熱和耐腐蝕性能,永不生銹,減少維修費用。
5 、風道橡膠補償器具有優(yōu)異的氣密性和柔順性、能保證輸送介質無泄漏和反復位移后恢復原狀。
1, the air channel rubber compensator has good repeated displacement (change) reducibility, which can provide large multidimensional directional compensation in the smaller size range, and it can eliminate the multi-directional error produced by all kinds of pipeline installation and connection.
2. The air duct rubber compensator has the superior sound absorption and isolation function, and can effectively reduce and eliminate the transmission of sound and vibration of the system products such as boiler and fan.
3. The weak transmission loss of rubber and fiber reduces the design procedure and does not need to add other auxiliary facilities.
4, rubber and fiber fabric and heat insulation materials have high heat resistance and corrosion resistance, never rust, reduce maintenance costs.
5. The rubber compensator of the air duct has excellent air tightness and flexibility, and it can ensure that the conveying medium has no leakage and restores the original shape after repeated displacement.

The rubber material of the rubber compensator of the air channel can choose three kinds of natural rubber, three yuan ethylene propylene rubber and three silicone rubber. The three kinds of rubber temperature resistance is as follows: natural rubber is below 80 degrees, three yuan, ethylene propylene rubber is below 120 degrees, and silicone rubber is below.




Use case

原創(chuàng)文章如轉載,請注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1514.html    瀏覽:5,742

  • ·【江陰澄星綜合體項目】彈簧減震器合同
  • ·【寧德核電項目】橡膠接頭合同
  • ·【貴州茅臺文化創(chuàng)意園綜合體項目】彈簧減震器發(fā)票
  • ·技術改造:聲科源風機噪聲處理技術
  • ·進口液壓泵配套NG耐油橡膠避震喉照片
  • ·【浙江誠意藥業(yè)】四氟金屬軟管合同
  • ·社會保險登記證書
  • ·換熱站全自動汽水采暖機橡膠接頭
  • ·【貴州人民大會堂配套五星級酒店】混合型隔振臺座
  • ·整托盤的彈簧減震器發(fā)貨現(xiàn)場“新工廠”
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    永宁县| 永州市| 石狮市| 彩票| 定结县| 贺兰县| 金阳县| 巴南区| 临朐县| 泸州市| 五台县| 陆丰市| 静宁县| 德钦县| 鄱阳县| 分宜县| 龙陵县| 碌曲县| 梁河县| 长垣县| 孟连| 荥阳市| 衡阳市| 宁夏| 莱芜市| 永靖县| 文昌市| 青岛市| 和龙市| 通海县| 黑山县| 清苑县| 顺义区| 奎屯市| 东阿县| 三门峡市| 安丘市| 班戈县| 原阳县| 昂仁县| 扎鲁特旗| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444