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簡介:DN100國標(biāo)法蘭波紋補償器 GB flanged corrugated compensator 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:DN100國標(biāo)法蘭波紋補償器信息,淞江集團生產(chǎn)的波紋補償器產(chǎn)品全部采用國標(biāo)型法蘭生產(chǎn),這里的國......

GB flanged corrugated compensator

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website for you to introduce DN100 standard flange compensator, corrugated compensator products Songjiang Group production of all GB flange production, here not only refers to the standard flange link the size, but also the diameter and thickness, diameter and thickness reached the national standard, so it belongs to the standard flange? It's not so simple. It depends on the flange material. The flange compensator flange of Songjiang group is all made by Shanxi forging flange. Why do we call it Shanxi forging flange? People in the industry know that the best way to do forged carbon steel flanges in Shanxi is in China, so the authentic GB flanges should be flanges, and all the parameters should be qualified to be the GB flange.



Name: DN100 stainless steel metal expansion joint
Caliber: DN100mm
Pressure: PN16
Wave number: 8 wave
Thickness: 0.8mm
Length: 200mm
Scalability: 40mm
Corrugated material: stainless steel 304
Flange material: carbon steel (forging)
Brand: Songjiang group
Manufacturer: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd.
了解該產(chǎn)品參數(shù)信息請點擊:【樣冊P93】BGF型 不銹鋼波紋補償器


Material description:
Bellows body: for longer, all stainless steel 304 material is used to support all kinds of spectrometers, and the fake one is ten, the thickness is all thicker than the same industry standard.
Connecting flange: all flanges are made of orthodox forging material in Shanxi, both strength and sealing are the best materials. Do not compare the cast steel and steel plate flange on the market with no comparability.
Welding consumables: welding materials are higher than the level of the parent material standard, let the welding point more firmly.
Limit ear plate: ear boards are all made by increasing thickening dimensions, each model can be compared with the same industry's one type to one to one, which is called no contrast, no harm.
Limit screw: the screw is all 8.8 - grade high - strength zinc plating, which is? to ensure the comprehensive strength of the product, not to compare with the market level 4.8.
Production standard: Songjiang group passes the national pressure pipe production license requirement, and is strictly controlled according to the production requirement of TS pressure pipe, so that every corrugated compensator product of factory reaches? qualified.
DN100 standard flange compensator using austenitic stainless steel material or according to user requirements for the manufacture of materials, with softness, excellent corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, high pressure, in the pipeline can be connected to any direction, with temperature compensation and vibration absorption and reduce the noise, changing the medium conveying direction, eliminate the mechanical displacement of the pipe or pipe and between devices, especially for the flexible joint with double flange corrugated metal hose on the displacement and vibration of pump and valve etc..
The flanged ripple compensator of the DN100 national standard belongs to a compensation element. The effective expansion and deformation of bellows should be utilized to absorb the size changes caused by thermal expansion, shrinkage and other reasons, or to compensate for axial, lateral and angular displacement of pipelines, pipes and containers. It can also be used for noise reduction and vibration reduction.

原創(chuàng)文章如轉(zhuǎn)載,請注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1484.html    瀏覽:7,588

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