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風(fēng)機CASE SHOW



簡(jiǎn)介:SHA-L-800離心風(fēng)機彈簧減震器 Spring damper of centrifugal fan 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:SHA-L-800離心風(fēng)機彈簧減震器信息,淞江集團為離心風(fēng)機推薦專(zhuān)用的減震器產(chǎn)品:SHA型低頻阻尼......

Spring damper of centrifugal fan

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website for your introduction: SHA-L-800 centrifugal fan spring shock absorber, Songjiang group for centrifugal fan absorber special recommended products: SHA type low frequency damping adjustable shock absorber spring, wind vibration and noise reduction.




The body material of sha-l-800 centrifugal fan spring shock absorber is divided into aluminum alloy, which has light weight and high strength. After strict aging test, it has excellent quality and high safety. The aluminum alloy body is sprayed with plastic at high temperature, which has strong weather resistance. Light and solid appearance, simple installation; It is applicable to all kinds of mechanical internal damping devices. The springs are treated by heat treatment, ed rust prevention, paint baking and other procedures. The load deflection of 25mm and 40mm can effectively eliminate the vibration of mechanical structure.

The new Sha shock absorber body is engraved with the logo of Songjiang group as an anti-counterfeiting logo.

The following is the shape size and other type of SHA type low frequency damping spring damper.

Main features and uses of products
The JB type low frequency adjustable damping spring damper adopts the material of high strength ductile iron, which has the advantages of wide load range, low natural frequency and convenient installation. The upper part of the shock absorber is equipped with upper bolts and equipment fixed, and the lower part can be fixed with the foundation. It has a height adjusting bolt, which can adjust the equipment level and use lateral damping to improve the horizontal and horizontal stiffness (damping ratio >0.065).
Application areas: air conditioning box, exhaust fan, windmill. Small ice water unit, water pump. The generator set, the general industrial machinery group.


The above SHA-L-800 centrifugal fan spring shock absorber information comes from Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. official website shock absorber product center. For more information, please click:




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