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發(fā)電機CASE SHOW

JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好

服務(wù)內容:JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好

簡(jiǎn)介:JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好 JA783010 rubber shock absorber rubber shock absorber of air compressor is the best 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:JA783010橡膠減震器信息......

JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好
JA783010 rubber shock absorber rubber shock absorber of air compressor is the best

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website for your introduction: JA783010 rubber shock absorber, Songjiang group for compressor of JA type rubber shock absorber products, the best internal rubber and iron piece completely glued, can provide the best damping effect, and also comes with safety lock parts, to ensure safety.

JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好
JA型空壓機橡膠減震器在軸向壓力及側向壓力可達到高度的減震效果,尤其用在發(fā)電機、引擎和系統方面,減震效果非常良好,運用范圍大約在25Hz (1.500 rpm )。
The JA type rubber shock absorber can achieve high damping effect on axial pressure and lateral pressure, especially for generators, engines and systems. The damping effect is very good, and the application range is about 25Hz (1.500 RPM).
The internal rubber and iron piece completely glued, can provide the best damping effect, and also comes with safety lock parts, to ensure safety.JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好
水泵、柴油發(fā)電機、空壓機及電機等諸多設備。 ?荷載范圍:30-700Kg。
Applicable equipment:
Many equipment such as water pump, diesel generator, air compressor and motor and so on. Load range: 30-700Kg.JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好

The JA damping rubber shock absorber is made up of upper and lower shells and rubber damping layer. It is suitable for vibration and shock isolation of all kinds of machinery with 1500 revolutions and above. The natural frequency is 10Hz under the rated load. The structure is simple, the installation and update is convenient, and the use is safe and reliable. Various types of installation are suitable for a variety of installation forms, such as flat, side and side hanging. The lateral stiffness is higher than the longitudinal stiffness, and the lateral stability is better when it is flat.
JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好
JA rubber shock absorber shows that:
1, the internal rubber and iron completely glued together with a safety lock, in addition to the safety of parts.
2, the shock absorber can achieve a high shock absorption effect in the axial and lateral pressure.
3. It is suitable for all kinds of generator, water pump, fan, air conditioning unit and so on.JA783010橡膠減震器 空壓機橡膠減震器效果好


了解該產(chǎn)品詳細參數請查看:【樣冊P86】JA型 橡膠減振器

原創(chuàng )文章如轉載,請注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1428.html    瀏覽:10,033

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