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JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好

服務(wù)內(nèi)容:JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好

簡介:JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好 JBF-165-115-1 air shock absorber precision mechanical air shock absorber has the best effect 上海淞江減震器集團(tuán)有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:JBF-165-115-......

JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
JBF-165-115-1 air shock absorber precision mechanical air shock absorber has the best effect

上海淞江減震器集團(tuán)有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好?以下是淞江集團(tuán)為精密機(jī)械推薦的空氣減振器產(chǎn)品,JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器主要用在各種精密儀器設(shè)備上面。
Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. official website for you: which are the best shock absorbers for precision mechanical shock absorption? The following is the air shock absorber product recommended by Songjiang group for precision machinery. The JBF-165-115-1 air shock absorber is mainly used on all kinds of precision instruments.

JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
With the nonlinear characteristics of air damper, the stiffness increases with load and change, so in any load under the natural frequency of vibration almost unchanged, so that the spring device has the characteristics of almost constant; the vibration absorption and sound insulation performance is good; it also bear the axial load and radial load, through the adjustment of internal pressure, also you can get different carrying capacity. So it can adapt to a variety of load needs.
JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
In the effective travel, the air damper regulates the stiffness, height, cavity volume and bearing capacity of the air damper by increasing and decreasing the inflation pressure. At the same time, its stiffness, height, cavity volume and bearing capacity will change smoothly and periodically with the increase or decrease of load, so as to achieve flexible transmission of bearing capacity, effective regulation of stroke and efficient control of vibration amplitude and vibration load. It can also be added to the air chamber to realize automatic adjustment.
JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
Because the air damper has the above characteristics, is widely applied in automobile, train, paper machine, lifting lifting table, press machine, vibrating conveyor, vibration sieve, air hammer, vibration test machine, casting machine to perform motion control or isolation device or instrument.
JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
Songjiang group all JBF type air damper sealing end cover are made of carbon steel, sealing screw and the end cover all the robot automatic welding technology, in order to ensure that every air damper will not leak before each product will do the pressure seal test, test after the success will be permitted to leave the factory.
JBF-165-115-1空氣減振器 精密機(jī)械減振效果好
The air shock absorber produced by Songjiang group is all made of high quality NR rubber, which ensures good use effect and long of air shock absorber. There are 2 ply polyester cord and air bearing capacity.

原創(chuàng)文章如轉(zhuǎn)載,請(qǐng)注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1425.html    瀏覽:4,423

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