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關(guān)于淞江CASE SHOW



簡(jiǎn)介:熱烈慶祝上海淞江減震器集團南通有限公司成立 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網(wǎng)站為您介紹:熱烈慶祝上海淞江減震器集團南通有限公司成立信息,淞江集團為了擴大規模、提高產(chǎn)能、響應國家藍天計劃,在南通......


統一社會(huì )信用代碼/注冊號:91320623MA1Q587146




Shanghai Songjiang absorber group Nantong Co., Ltd. was founded in August 2017, is the Shanghai Songjiang absorber Group Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, the headquarters is located in Shanghai city Jiading District Xuhang Town Industrial Park, Shanghai Songjiang absorber group Nantong Co. Ltd. is solely responsible for all products Songjiang Group production, processing, delivery, registered capital 50 million, is located in Nantong Shuangdian Industrial Zone, covers an area of 15 mu, building area of 10000 square meters. Factory website: www.songjiangjituan.cn
Shanghai Song Jiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. has strong technical force, complete production facilities, with the development and production of various shock absorber processing capacity, with advanced experimental equipment and perfect testing methods. I plant is the country's first rubber joint industry, through the TS pressure pipe production license enterprise, TS number: TS2731B90-2020, and has passed ISO9001 (2008) international quality system certification. The factory takes full advantage of many years of design, production experience, optimize the portfolio of products, and strive to complete range, quality and stability. The products include: flexible rubber joint, spring damper, rubber shock absorber, suspension shock absorber, stainless steel metal hose, corrugated compensator, shock absorption, product sales throughout the country, the product is suitable for all kinds of water pump, fan, air conditioning unit, generator set, diesel generator, compressor, sound, punch, dynamic test rig, anechoic chamber based damping and all kinds of pipes, air conditioning box, fan coil, axial flow fan, air pipe hoisting vibration.




原創(chuàng )文章如轉載,請注明本文鏈接: http://www.tingce.top/1355.html    瀏覽:10,835

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